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Kotlin for WebAssembly Goes Alpha

Kotlin/Wasm, the newest Kotlin Multiplatform target platform, has reached Alpha status! Here’s what you need to know about this change at a glance:

  • JetBrains has promoted Kotlin/Wasm to Alpha, making it ready for you to try for yourself. Your feedback will help shape the future of building web applications with Kotlin!
  • As an Alpha release, Kotlin/Wasm is ready for you to use in pre-production scenarios, but it still has many areas that are works in progress. We rely on the community to help inform and prioritize the decisions influencing Kotlin/Wasm.
  • Compose for Web (currently experimental) is powered by Kotlin/Wasm. Together, the two technologies allow you to create declarative user interfaces for web applications in 100% Kotlin.

Get started with Kotlin/Wasm

WebAssembly: The newest Kotlin Multiplatform target

WebAssembly is establishing itself as the standard compilation target for languages targeting the browser – and beyond! With Kotlin/Wasm, we’re giving you the ability to make use of this new target via Kotlin Multiplatform. We first introduced Kotlin/Wasm in Kotlin 1.8.20 as an experimental technology, and have since improved and refined it.

Because Kotlin is an automatically memory-managed language, it builds on the garbage collection proposal, which recently reached phase 4 (standardization). That means it is now enabled by default in a number of major browsers. For example, recent versions of both Chrome and Firefox can run Kotlin/Wasm applications without any required adjustments. While Safari currently doesn’t support Wasm GC yet, implementation of the required functionality in JavaScriptCore is already underway.

Getting started with Kotlin/Wasm

Join the Kotlin/Wasm community

An easy way to get started with Kotlin/Wasm is to take a look at the Getting Started page. Here, you’ll find an overview of the technology and instructions on how to set up your own Kotlin/Wasm application. You’ll also see projects and links to example projects that show off different facets of Kotlin/Wasm, including those that illustrate how to use it in the browser, together with Compose Multiplatform, and more.

Kotlin/Wasm goes Alpha: explore the technology in detail and see example projects

The Kotlin Playground now also has support for Kotlin/Wasm, meaning you can write your first WebAssembly code snippets right in your browser, and explore what Kotlin/Wasm has to offer.

To help you go beyond your first “Hello World” examples with WebAssembly, we are also bringing the `kotlinx` suite of libraries to Kotlin/Wasm. This includes kotlinx-atomicfu, kotlinx.coroutines, kotlinx.serialization, kotlinx-datetime, and kotlinx-io.

Ktor, the JetBrains framework for building networked applications, is also coming to WebAssembly. With the next release, you’ll be able to use Ktor’s HTTP clients to make network requests right from your Kotlin/Wasm code.

Compose Multiplatform: Powered by Kotlin/Wasm

Kotlin/Wasm isn’t bound to any specific UI framework. It’s a general way of running your Kotlin code in the browser. However, it is the underlying technology for the experimental web target of Compose Multiplatform, the declarative multiplatform UI toolkit by JetBrains based on Google’s Jetpack Compose. Compose Multiplatform for Web uses canvas-based rendering, meaning that you can use the same layouts and components as you would on other platforms. Out of the box, it comes with the Material and Material 3 design components.

With Compose Multiplatform, you can build shared applications that target the most important platforms: Android and iOS, desktop, and – thanks to the power of Kotlin/Wasm – the browser. To start building your own shared UIs, you can generate a project using the Kotlin Multiplatform Web Wizard, which now also experimentally supports the Kotlin/Wasm target.


WebAssembly is designed from the ground up as a compilation target for languages, meaning the Kotlin compiler can convert your source code into performant WebAssembly bytecode. We regularly run benchmarks on Kotlin/Wasm to ensure its runtime performance. Since Kotlin/Wasm is still in Alpha, the team continues to work on performance improvements, but as you can see, Kotlin/Wasm already outperforms Kotlin/JS in almost all of our macro benchmarks:

Likewise, Compose Multiplatform running on Kotlin/Wasm already shows promising performance characteristics, with execution speed comparable to that of running the same application on the JVM:

AnimatedVisibility: Wasm takes a factor of 0.5 of the time of a JS implementation
LazyGrid: Wasm takes a factor of 0.5 of the time of a JS implementation
VisualEffects: Wasm takes a factor of 0.5 of the time of a JS implementation

These benchmark results come from our testing in a recent version of Google Chrome, but we observed similar results in other browsers we tested.

What’s in the works

As a technology in Alpha, Kotlin/Wasm is evolving rapidly, and the team is busy making improvements and enhancements. As such, there are still a number of areas that are works in progress.

Currently, the debugging support in Kotlin/Wasm is limited, and we’re working on improving its capabilities going forward. We’re also aware that bundle size is an important factor when it comes to targeting the web, and we want to further optimize the outputs generated by the compiler, especially for Compose Multiplatform projects.

As WebAssembly continues evolving, we want to take advantage of new proposals as they arrive – whether that’s stack switching, threading, or others. We’re also working on introducing support for the WebAssembly Component Model to Kotlin, which will enable you to build interoperable Wasm libraries and applications. We’re also still in the process of making Kotlin/Wasm an awesome target for development outside of the browser, including support for WASI, the WebAssembly System Interface. As a part of the WebAssembly Community Group, and by actively collaborating with vendors of WebAssembly VMs, we’re striving to ensure that Kotlin/Wasm provides a great experience no matter where you’re running it.

Our goal is to provide an excellent developer experience for you, and make sure that it meets your requirements in terms of performance and bundle size. As we make progress on these fronts, we’ll make sure to provide you with updates and share more information!

Join the community to get updates and share your feedback!

Join the Kotlin/Wasm community

If you want to connect with the team and other developers excited about Kotlin/Wasm, we invite you to join the discussion on the Kotlin Slack (get your invite here). In the #webassembly channel, you can find discussions about everything Kotlin and WebAssembly.

Kotlin/Wasm is in Alpha, and we want to make sure we continue evolving the technology based on your requirements. Help us help you by reporting problems, telling us about APIs that you feel are missing, and requesting features you’d like to see. You can do so by adding issues to the Kotlin YouTrack project.

We’re excited to take this next step with Kotlin and look forward to seeing what you’ll create with Kotlin/Wasm!

See Kotlin/Wasm in action!

On Tuesday, December 12, 2023, Kotlin/Wasm Team Lead Zalim Bashorov will present a live session entitled Kotlin and WebAssembly: Unleashing Cross-Platform Power on the official Kotlin YouTube channel! To make sure you don’t miss it, sign up to receive notifications.

See also

Continue ReadingKotlin for WebAssembly Goes Alpha

Compose Multiplatform 1.2 Is Out: New Mouse and Keyboard APIs, ProGuard Support, Online Updates, and More

Starting today, Compose Multiplatform 1.2 is available for you to use! This latest version of the declarative UI framework for Kotlin brings compatibility with the latest Kotlin version and introduces several powerful features for the desktop target. Specifically, here are the highlights:

  • The newly added ProGuard support allows you to minify and obfuscate your application before shipping.
  • Focus management is being improved, resulting in better keyboard navigation through form elements.
  • A reworked API for handling mouse and keyboard input makes it more convenient to implement actions that react to clicking and dragging.
  • We are introducing official support for right-to-left languages (RTL) for layouts and input fields.
  • Swing interoperability for focus management and context menus is becoming more seamless.
  • As an alternative to the Compose Gradle Plugin, you can now package your Desktop application using the third-party tool Hydraulic Conveyor, which makes it easy to build download pages, notarize your application for multiple platforms, and integrate auto-update functionality in your application.

Let’s look at the new features in Compose Multiplatform 1.2 in detail!

Explore the Compose Multiplatform Website

Support for the ProGuard optimizer and obfuscator

Starting with the latest version of Compose Multiplatform, you can now use ProGuard to improve the performance and size of your bundled application without having to provide special configurations. ProGuard applies optimizing techniques to shrink your code, reducing the size of your final binary. It also optimizes your code, which can provide slight performance improvements by removing unnecessary function calls or object allocations. Optionally, it also allows you to apply code obfuscation to your application.

In our tests, we’ve observed that processing an application with ProGuard significantly reduced the final distribution size for our sample applications.

Enabling ProGuard significantly reduces the bundle size of our sample applications, from 136 to 91 MiB for the installed application.

Even without specifying any options in your Gradle configuration for your project, you can use the new runReleaseDistributable and packageRelease<PACKAGE_FORMAT> tasks to process and subsequently run or package your code using ProGuard.

Providing custom ProGuard rules

If your application is using reflection or generates bytecode at runtime, you may need to give ProGuard instructions on which classes should not be removed during the optimization process. You can do so by providing a standard ProGuard configuration file and configuring it in your Gradle build file in the buildTypes.release.proguard block:

compose.desktop {
    application {
        // ...
        buildTypes.release.proguard {

If you would like to take a closer look at the ProGuard integration provided in Compose Multiplatform, take a look at the example project provided in the GitHub repository.

Improved focus management for keyboard navigation

We have reworked some of the behavior when it comes to managing focus of UI elements, which influences the way users can navigate your elements and inputs via keyboard shortcuts. Both clickable and toggleable elements (with the modifiers Modifier.clickable and Modifier.toggleable) now request focus when clicked, making navigation between focusable items work as users would expect it to (selecting the next focusable item after the one that was clicked). In addition, once an element has been focused, we have also introduced new behaviors that make it easier to use keyboard shortcuts out of the box:

  • Composables marked with Modifier.toggleable can now be toggled on and off using the spacebar.
  • The Slider composable can now be controlled via the arrow keys (incrementing values one step at a time), the Page Up and Page Down keys (moving 10% of the value range at a time), and the Home and End keys (set the value to 0% or 100% of the range respectively).
  • Menu items from DropDownMenu, CursorDropDownMenu, and ContextMenu can now be navigated via the keyboard arrows.

Mouse and keyboard API improvements

We’re also refining Compose for Desktop’s experimental APIs for working with mouse and keyboard input more conveniently. Specifically, we’re introducing the onClick and onDrag modifiers, and making it easier to access modifier keys.

Please note that the mouse and keyboard API is only available on the Desktop target of Compose Multiplatform at the moment.

New onClick modifier

As a replacement for the now deprecated Modifier.mouseClickable, we’re introducing Modifier.onClick. This new modifier gives you fine-grained control over handling clicks of any type using callbacks. Using a PointerMatcher, you can distinguish between different types of clicks (regular, double-click, long click) and the button being used (left mouse button, right mouse button, middle mouse button, etc.). You also have the option to make these callbacks conditional on specific keyboard modifier keys that need to be pressed via the keyboardModifiers lambda parameter.

Box(modifier = Modifier.size(200.dp).background(Color.Yellow)
       matcher = PointerMatcher.mouse(PointerButton.Secondary), // Right Mouse Button
       keyboardModifiers = { isAltPressed }, // accept clicks only when Alt pressed
       onLongClick = { // optional
           println("Long Click with secondary button and Alt pressed")
       onDoubleClick = { // optional
           println("Double Click with secondary button and Alt pressed")
       onClick = {
           println("Click with secondary button and Alt pressed")
   .onClick { // onClick with all default parameters
       println("Click with primary button (mouse left button)")
) {
   Text(text = "Box with onClick", modifier = Modifier.align(Alignment.Center))

If you want to take a look at this API in more detail, we have prepared a tutorial that guides you through using the different options exposed by this modifier, and that also explains how you can chain multiple onClick modifiers to separate different conditions and modifier keys.

New onDrag modifier

Using the onDrag modifier, you can specify a callback that is called on drag events. Just like onClick, it works with a PointerMatcher, meaning you can configure additional constraints, such as which mouse button the drag event should work with. Likewise, you can specify multiple onDrag modifiers that work with different mouse buttons, allowing you to implement different drag behavior for the left and right mouse buttons, for example.

var boxOffset by remember { mutableStateOf(Offset(0f, 0f)) }

Box(modifier = Modifier
   .offset {
       IntOffset(boxOffset.x.toInt(), boxOffset.y.toInt())
       matcher = PointerMatcher.mouse(PointerButton.Secondary), // it's Primary by default, can be configured with other pointer buttons such as Secondary, Tertiary, etc.
       onDragStart = { }, // optional
       onDragEnd = { },   // optional
       onDragCancel = { } // optional
   ) {
       println("Drag offset x=${it.x} y=${it.y}")
       boxOffset += it

) {
   Text(text = "Box with onDragn(using right mouse button)", modifier = Modifier.align(Alignment.Center))

This also sets this experimental API apart from elements such as the draggable modifier that can be found in the Android target for Compose Multiplatform, which always uses the primary button.

For more information on this API, we have provided a tutorial that includes more extensive usage examples and also illustrates advanced functionality like listening for drag and tap gestures in a PointerInputScope.

Accessing keyboard modifiers

In the context of any composable, you can now use the LocalWindowInfo.current.keyboardModifiers state which provides access to the currently pressed keyboard modifiers (Ctrl, Shift, Alt, or others). Since keyboardModifiers is a state that automatically updates when any modifier keys are pressed or released, composables that are dependent on these keyboard modifiers will recompose.

val windowInfo = LocalWindowInfo.current
var hovered by remember { mutableStateOf(false) }
val color by derivedStateOf {
  if (hovered && windowInfo.keyboardModifiers.isCtrlPressed) {
  } else {

Box(modifier = Modifier
   .onPointerEvent(PointerEventType.Enter) {
       hovered = true
   }.onPointerEvent(PointerEventType.Exit) {
       hovered = false
) {
   Text("Hover me and then press Ctrl", modifier = Modifier.align(Alignment.Center))

Support for right-to-left languages and scripts

Starting with version 1.2, Compose for Desktop now supports right-to-left languages. By default, it automatically switches layout and inputs according to the detected system language. If you are implementing behavior that depends on the direction of the script being used, you can use the LocalLayoutDirection CompositionLocal which exposes this information.

Keyboard navigation interoperability and shared context menus with Swing

Combining user interfaces built with Compose for Desktop and those built with Swing becomes a bit more convenient with version 1.2. Using a SwingPanel (which allows you to embed Swing elements in a Compose for Desktop application) or a ComposePanel (embedding Compose for Desktop in your existing Swing applications) now works seamlessly when it comes to keyboard navigation – focusable elements from both UI frameworks now get selected properly when switching via the Tab key.

Tabbing through panels

If you are adding Compose for Desktop to an existing Swing application, you can now use the same context menu for text and text fields across both parts of your application. To do so, you can use the JPopupTextMenu composable.

val localization = LocalLocalization.current
    LocalTextContextMenu provides JPopupTextMenu(owner) { textManager, items ->
        JPopupMenu().apply {
            textManager.cut?.also {
                    swingItem(localization.cut, Color.RED, KeyEvent.VK_X, it)
            textManager.copy?.also {
                    swingItem(localization.copy, Color.GREEN, KeyEvent.VK_C, it)
            textManager.paste?.also {
                    swingItem(localization.paste, Color.BLUE, KeyEvent.VK_V, it)
            textManager.selectAll?.also {
                   swingItem(localization.selectAll, Color.BLACK, KeyEvent.VK_A, it)
) {

We also provide a number of tutorials that provide more details and full samples on Swing interoperability for context menus.

Alternative app distribution with online updates via Conveyor by Hydraulic

With version 1.2, you can use the third-party tool Conveyor by Hydraulic to package your desktop app as an alternative to the Compose Gradle Plugin. Conveyor is free for open-source projects, and is also free for commercial use during its introductory period.

Like with the Compose Gradle Plugin, you can create entirely self-contained applications that come in the native formats of the platforms you are targeting and that come with their own bundled JVM. On top of that, Conveyor adds support for online updates, generating a download page (example), automatic conversion of your icons for the respective platforms, and various other features. Additionally, because Conveyor does not rely on native tooling, you can build, sign, and notarize packages from any operating system.

Conveyor is a great fit for Compose for Desktop, because it drastically simplifies distribution. That makes it smoother to provide online updates and avoid complex multi-platform CI/CD setups. On both Windows and macOS, it also provides extra conveniences for internal or developer-targeted apps: When using the default self-signing mode, the generated download page provides your users with copy-pastable commands to install the app from the terminal (example).

Wrapping up

We hope you enjoy the latest version of Compose Multiplatform and continue to build beautiful UIs for your applications! Some smaller changes didn’t make it into this release post – for a full list of all changes and improvements in Compose Multiplatform 1.2, feel free to take a look at the changelog in the repository.

Starting from version 1.2, Compose Multiplatform comes with support for multiple versions of the Kotlin compiler: The desktop target supports both Kotlin 1.7.10 and Kotlin 1.7.20. The web target currently supports Kotlin 1.7.10, and will provide support for 1.7.20 within the scope of the next minor update.

As usual, the easiest way to get started with this latest version of Compose Multiplatform is to take a look at the official tutorials – or to start exploring on your own using the Kotlin Project Wizard in IntelliJ IDEA. Have fun composing!

Explore the Compose Multiplatform Website

See also

Continue ReadingCompose Multiplatform 1.2 Is Out: New Mouse and Keyboard APIs, ProGuard Support, Online Updates, and More

Compose Multiplatform 1.0 출시!

Kotlin의 선언형 UI 프레임워크인 JetBrains Compose Multiplatform 버전 1.0이 출시되어 프로덕션 사용이 준비되었습니다! 이 프레임워크의 신규 버전이 제공하는 주요 기능은 다음과 같습니다.

  • 데스크톱에서 뛰어난 사용자 인터페이스를 지원하는 Kotlin 앱을 빠르고 효율적으로 개발할 수 있습니다.
  • 에서 모든 브라우저 API와 완벽한 상호 운용성을 갖춘 Compose for Web의 안정적인 DOM API를 사용하여 프로덕션 수준의 동적 웹 환경을 구축할 수 있습니다. Material UI 위젯은 향후 릴리스에서 지원될 예정입니다.
  • 전반적으로 다양한 플랫폼(Android 포함, Jetpack Compose by Google 호환성 사용) 간 전문 기술과 코드를 더 쉽게 공유할 수 있습니다.

하나씩 살펴보겠습니다.

웹사이트 방문

데스크톱용 Kotlin UI

꽤 오랫동안 Kotlin 데스크톱 애플리케이션의 사용자 인터페이스를 개발하려면 기존 Java UI 프레임워크를 사용해야 했습니다. 데스크톱용 모던 UI 개발 스타일을 접목한 Kotlin 라이브러리가 없었기 때문입니다. JetBrains는 Compose Multiplatform을 선보여 변화를 이끌고자 합니다. 이 프레임워크가 Kotlin 앱 UI 개발 경험을 개선하는 방식을 알아보겠습니다.

사용자 인터페이스 개발을 위한 선언형 접근 방식

Compose Multiplatform은 선언형이므로 코드에 앱의 UI 구조가 반영되며, 모델에서 뷰로 데이터 복사 또는 UI 갱신 로직 개발 등의 작업을 고민할 필요가 없습니다. 프레임워크로 모두 처리되므로, UI 개발은 즐거운 경험입니다. 다음 예시의 경우 TextField의 내용이 수정되면 추가 코딩 없이도 Text 라벨 내용이 업데이트됩니다.

var text by remember { mutableStateOf("Hello, World!") }
Column {
   Text(text) //text label
   TextField(text, {text = it}) //text field

특히 React 또는 Jetpack Compose by Google과 같은 선언형 UI 프레임워크를 사용해본 경우, Compose Multiplatform을 쉽게 시작할 수 있습니다. Compose Multiplatform은 이와 동일한 많은 기능을 지원하므로 부담 없이 편안하게 사용할 수 있습니다.

하드웨어 가속으로 우수한 런타임 성능

모던 사용자 인터페이스에서 성능이 중요합니다. 따라서 Compose Multiplatform 속도 개선을 위해 최선을 다하고 있습니다. Compose Multiplatform은 Skia를 사용합니다. Skia는 모던 브라우저를 포함하여 성능이 중요한 다수의 애플리케이션에서 사용되는 최적화된 그래픽 라이브러리입니다. 즉, Compose Multiplatform은 DirectX, Metal 및 OpenGL 등 데스크톱의 모든 주요 하드웨어 가속 엔진을 지원합니다. 하드웨어 가속이 지원되지 않는 환경에서는 Compose가 최적화된 소프트웨어 렌더러와 함께 제공됩니다.

미리보기 도구를 통해 반복 주기 단축

UI 개발에서 가장 긴 시간이 소요되는 작업 중 하나는 애플리케이션이 완벽하게 보이도록 다시 빌드하는 과정입니다. Compose Multiplatform IDEA 플러그인을 활용하면 이 과정이 간소화됩니다. 기본 제공 라이브 미리보기 기능을 통해 UI 구성 요소를 세밀하게 조정하고, 애플리케이션을 다시 빌드하거나 시작하지 않고도 여러 개의 반복을 생성할 수 있습니다. 이로써 개발 주기가 대폭 단축됩니다.

자동 애플리케이션 패키징으로 자신 있게 선보이는 데스크톱 앱

사용자에게 애플리케이션을 제공하려면 적절한 개발뿐 아니라 적절한 패키징도 필요합니다. Compose Multiplatform은 이에 대한 지원도 제공합니다. Gradle 플러그인은 MacOS용 서명 및 공증을 비롯하여 msi, dmgdeb 형식으로 애플리케이션 패키징을 지원합니다.

Android 및 Java UI 프레임워크의 Jetpack Compose와 상호 운용성

Google에서 제작한 네이티브 UI 빌드용 Android 모던 툴킷인 Jetpack Compose는 모바일 개발자 사이에서 지속적으로 인기를 끌고 있습니다. Jetpack Compose를 사용해본 경험이 있다면 Compose Multiplatform은 쉽게 사용할 수 있습니다. 두 프레임워크가 API의 상당 부분을 공유하기 때문입니다.

사용자 인터페이스가 일반적인 Java UI 프레임워크로 빌드한 데스크톱 애플리케이션을 다루는 경우, Compose Multiplatform에서 사용하기 위해 코드를 완전히 처음부터 다시 작성할 필요가 없습니다. Compose Multiplatform은 상호 운용성이 매우 뛰어나므로 Compose로 작성된 UI 구성 요소를 기존 Java UI에 추가할 수 있습니다. Compose Multiplatform으로 새로운 앱을 빌드하는 경우에도 기존 Java 컨트롤을 추가할 수 있습니다.

Compose Multiplatform 마법사로 빠른 시작 및 실행

이제 Compose Multiplatform을 매우 빠르게 시작할 수 있습니다. IntelliJ IDEA 2021.1+에서 클릭 몇 번만으로 간단한 Compose Multiplatform 프로젝트 생성이 가능합니다.

Compose 데스크톱 애플리케이션을 보여주는 New Project(새 프로젝트) 마법사 예시

또한 다양한 튜토리얼을 통해 Compose Multiplatform 데스크톱 대상을 알아볼 수 있습니다.

Compose for Web

Compose Multiplatform은 데스크톱 작업 외에도 DOM 작업을 위한 강력한 선언형 Kotlin/JS API를 제공합니다.

또한 다양한 DOM API, CSS-in-JS 기본 지원, SVG 지원, 타입 지정된 입력 등 모던 웹 프레임워크에 필요한 모든 기능을 제공합니다. Compose Multiplatform의 웹 대상은 Kotlin만으로 작성되었으며 Kotlin의 타입 시스템과 관용구를 최대한 활용합니다. 따라서 다른 Kotlin 대상에서 이미 사용된 동일한 개발 워크플로를 활용할 수 있습니다.

멀티플랫폼 지원

Compose Multiplatform을 사용하면 (직접 지원되는) 데스크톱 및 웹 플랫폼으로 대상이 한정되지 않습니다. Google에서 개발한 유명 UI 프레임워크인 Jetpack Compose를 사용해 Android를 대상으로 지정할 수도 있습니다. 두 프레임워크는 공통 API와 Core를 공유하므로, 완벽한 상호 운용성을 제공합니다. 즉, 공통 UI 및 상태 관리 코드를 다시 작성하지 않아도 됩니다. 한 번 작성한 후 필요할 때 여러 플랫폼에서 다시 사용할 수 있습니다.

기존 Android 애플리케이션을 데스크톱이나 웹으로 가져오는 작업도 Compose Multiplatform을 사용하면 매우 간편합니다. Kotlin 프로젝트 하나로 애플리케이션의 모든 대상을 관리할 수 있습니다.

Compose를 통해 여러 플랫폼을 대상으로 하는 앱 빌드를 빠르게 시작하려면 IntelliJ IDEA 2021.1+에서 Kotlin 프로젝트 마법사를 사용해 보세요.

당장 멀티플랫폼 애플리케이션을 개발할 필요가 없더라도, 플랫폼 한 곳에서 습득한 지식과 전문 기술이 다른 플랫폼에서 유용하게 쓰일 수 있습니다.

베타 이후 변경 사항

Compose Multiplatform 1.0 버전은 이 프레임워크를 프로덕션 애플리케이션에서 사용할 준비가 되었는지 확인하는 데 초점을 맞춘 버전입니다. 결과적으로 이번 릴리스에서 중요한 이슈와 버그가 수정되었으며, 품질과 안정성도 개선되었습니다.

실제 프로덕션 경험

Compose Multiplatform은 오늘 출시되었음에도 일부 프로덕션에서 이미 활용된 바 있습니다. 예를 들어, JetBrains는 2021년 초부터 Jetbrains Toolbox App(에 Compose Multiplatform을 적용했습니다. JetBrains IDE용 관리 애플리케이션인 Toolbox App은 매월 1,000,000명 이상의 활성 사용자를 보유하며, 4개월 전 C++ 및 Electron에서 Compose Multiplatform으로 완전히 마이그레이션되었습니다.


Kotlin 개발자는 이제 Compose Multiplatform이라는 강력한 프레임워크를 통해 데스크톱과 웹 애플리케이션 모두에 적합한 아름다운 UI를 생성할 수 있습니다.

지금 바로 Compose Multiplatform을 사용해 보세요! 공식 튜토리얼에서 가장 간편한 사용 방법을 확인할 수 있습니다. IntelliJ IDEA 2021.1+에서 기본으로 제공되는 Kotlin 프로젝트 마법사를 사용하여 첫 Compose Multiplatform 프로젝트를 생성하고 Kotlin으로 선언형 사용자 인터페이스 빌드를 시작하세요.

여러분의 마음에 드셨으면 좋겠습니다!

게시물 원문 작성자

Sebastian Aigner

Continue ReadingCompose Multiplatform 1.0 출시!

Compose Multiplatform 1.0 is going live!

Compose Multiplatform by JetBrains, the declarative UI framework for Kotlin, has reached version 1.0, which makes it ready for production use! Here are a few highlights that we hope will make you as excited about the release of this framework as we are:

  • On desktop, you can now create Kotlin apps with beautiful user interfaces quickly and efficiently.
  • On the web, you can now build production-quality dynamic web experiences using Compose for Web’s stable DOM API with full interoperability with all browser APIs. Support for Material UI widgets will be available in a future release.
  • Overall, sharing expertise and code between various platforms (including Android, using compatibility with Jetpack Compose by Google) is much easier now.

Let’s go over them one by one.

Visit the website

Kotlin UI for Desktop

For quite some time, if you wanted to build a user interface for your Kotlin desktop application, you had to use traditional Java UI frameworks as there haven’t been any Kotlin libraries that embraced a modern UI development style for the desktop. We’re changing this by offering Compose Multiplatform. Let’s explore how this framework improves the experience of writing UIs for Kotlin apps.

A declarative approach to building user interfaces

Compose Multiplatform is declarative, so your code reflects the UI structure of your app and you don’t need to worry about things like copying data from model to view or developing UI refreshing logic. Since the framework takes care of all of that for you, developing UIs is truly a pleasure. In this example, the content of the Text label will be updated once content of the TextField is edited without any additional code:

var text by remember { mutableStateOf("Hello, World!") }
Column {
   Text(text) //text label
   TextField(text, {text = it}) //text field

It’s easy to get started with Compose Multiplatform, especially if you’ve used a declarative UI framework like React or Jetpack Compose by Google before. Compose Multiplatform uses many of the same concepts, so you should feel right at home.

Great runtime performance via hardware acceleration

Modern user interfaces are performance-sensitive and we go to great lengths to improve the speed of Compose Multiplatform. It uses Skia, a well-optimized graphics library that is used by many performance-sensitive applications, including modern browsers. This means Compose Multiplatform supports all major hardware acceleration engines on the Desktop, such as DirectX, Metal, and OpenGL. For environments where hardware acceleration is not available, Compose comes with an optimized software renderer.

Short iteration cycles via the Preview Tool

One of the most time-consuming tasks in UI development is rebuilding an application in an attempt to make it look perfect. The Compose Multiplatform IDEA plugin streamlines this process. Its builtin live preview feature allows you to fine-tune your components/parts of the UI, and create multiple iterations of them without having to rebuild or restart the application. This shortens the development cycle significantly.

Confidently delivering desktop apps with automatic application packaging

Bringing an application to its users requires not only proper development, but proper packaging too. This is another area where Compose Multiplatform provides assistance. Its Gradle plugin supports application packaging to the msi, dmg and deb formats, including signing and notarization for MacOS.

Interoperability with Jetpack Compose on Android and Java UI frameworks

Jetpack Compose, Android’s modern toolkit for building native UIs created by Google, is continually gaining popularity among mobile developers. If you’ve used it before, it will be extremely easy for you to use Compose Multiplatform, as these two frameworks share a large part of their APIs.

If you’re working on Desktop applications that already have a user interface built with typical Java UI frameworks, you don’t need to rewrite your code from scratch to make it work with Compose Multiplatform. We provide excellent interoperability, meaning you can add UI components written with Compose to your existing Java UI. You can also add your existing Java controls to any new app you build with Compose Multiplatform.

Get up and running quickly with the Compose Multiplatform wizards

Getting started with Compose Multiplatform is easier than ever. In IntelliJ IDEA 2021.1+, you can create a simple Compose Multiplatform project in just a few clicks.

New Project wizard showing the "Compose Desktop Application" example

We also have a wide variety of tutorials to help you get acquainted with the desktop target for Compose Multiplatform.

Compose for Web

Beyond the Desktop, Compose Multiplatform gives you a powerful, declarative Kotlin/JS API for working with the DOM.

It has all the features you want and need in a modern web framework, including a comprehensive DOM API, built-in CSS-in-JS support, support for SVGs, typed inputs, and many others. The web target for Compose Multiplatform is written in pure Kotlin and takes full advantage of the type system and idioms the language has to offer. This allows you to use the same development workflow you may already be used to from other Kotlin targets.

Multiplatform support

Using Compose Multiplatform, you’re not limited to targeting Desktop and Web Platforms (which are supported directly). You can also target Android using the well-known UI Framework Jetpack Compose, developed by Google. These two frameworks share common APIs and Core, giving them perfect interoperability. This means you don’t have to re-write common UI and state management code. Just write it once and then reuse it on as many platforms as necessary.

If you have an existing Android application that you want to bring to the desktop or web, Compose Multiplatform helps you do so with minimal effort. It allows you to manage all the targets of your application from a single Kotlin project.

To quickly get started with building an app that targets multiple platforms with Compose, you can use the Kotlin Project Wizard in IntelliJ IDEA 2021.1+.

And even if you don’t need to develop a multiplatform application right now, your knowledge and expertise from one platform will be really helpful on another.

What has changed since beta?

For Compose Multiplatform 1.0, we focused entirely on making sure that the framework is truly ready for use in your production application. As a result, this release primarily addresses quality and stability while fixing critical issues and bugs.

Real production experience

Even though Compose Multiplatform hasn’t gone live until today, there are some production applications that already use it. For example, at JetBrains we started adopting Compose Multiplatform in the Jetbrains Toolbox App ( as far back as early 2021. This management application for JetBrains IDEs is used by more than 1,000,000 monthly active users and was fully migrated from C++ and Electron to Compose Multiplatform 4 months ago.

Wrapping up

With Compose Multiplatform, Kotlin developers now have a powerful framework to create beautiful UIs for both desktop and web applications

Now is the perfect time to give Compose Multiplatform a try! The easiest way to get started is to take a look at the official tutorials. Using the Kotlin Project Wizard that’s built into IntelliJ IDEA 2021.1+, you can create your first Compose Multiplatform project and start building declarative user interfaces with Kotlin.

We hope you enjoy it!

Continue ReadingCompose Multiplatform 1.0 is going live!

Compose Multiplatform Goes Beta: Stabilized APIs, Compatibility with Google’s Compose Artifacts, and More

Compose Multiplatform, the declarative UI framework for Kotlin, has reached Beta. This brings Compose for Desktop and Compose for Web another step closer to their stable release later this year. Here are the highlights:

In this blog post, we will cover all the details about the major changes with this release.

Stabilizing APIs

As we are moving towards the first stable release of Compose Multiplatform, we are proceeding with the stabilization of its APIs. Starting with this release, APIs which we believe might change in the future are annotated as experimental. Going forward, you can consider APIs that are not explicitly marked as experimental to be mostly stable.

As an example of an interface that could still change before 1.0, we can take mouseScrollFilter: it’s an API for managing scroll events, currently only available in Compose for Desktop. We want to make it available for all platforms – but such a commonization could obviously lead to some changes in its interface. Another example is mouseMoveFilter – we haven’t received enough feedback on its usage yet to fully determine whether its current form will also be its final form. As we gather more input from users, we may still consider applying some changes.

For a comprehensive list of all the API changes in this release, feel free to refer to the changelog in the official Compose Multiplatform repository. In this blog post, we’ll just be looking at the highlights.

Compatibility with Google’s Compose artifacts

Previously, Compose Multiplatform contained artifacts for Desktop, Web and Android. This caused issues when the framework was used simultaneously with Compose Android artifacts published by Google (e.g. when one framework was used together with a library based on another framework).

With Compose Multiplatform Beta, we have stopped publishing Android artifacts ourselves. Instead, Compose Multiplatform now refers to Google’s artifacts directly. This approach prevents typical issues, such as duplicate class conflicts. Developers will be able to use Compose without thinking about the artifact publisher, and library authors will be able to support Compose Multiplatform and Android-only Jetpack Compose use cases without having to deal with compatibility issues.

What’s new in Compose for Desktop

In the Beta release of Compose Multiplatform, the desktop target benefits from performance and rendering stability improvements, accessibility support on MacOS, and refined APIs for controlling user interactions.

Rendering fallbacks and improved software rendering

By default, Compose for Desktop uses hardware-accelerated rendering via DirectX, OpenGL, and Metal. However, there is a near-infinite combination of graphics hardware and drivers on the market that can introduce all kinds of rendering problems. Nevertheless, we want to ensure that any applications you build with Compose for Desktop still run on these systems.

To address this, we’re introducing automatic rendering fallbacks for Compose for Desktop. They ensure that even when certain rendering technologies have issues on the target system, your application will remain usable. For example, if the system running your application encounters issues with the DirectX renderer, Compose for Desktop will change to an OpenGL-based rendering strategy. If OpenGL has incompatibilities or problems, your app will automatically switch to software rendering.

The software renderer (the most basic and most widely compatible rendering backend in Compose for Desktop) also receives some massive performance boosts with this release. Our benchmarks show that the optimizations included with this release make the rendering process at least 50% faster, with some systems seeing rendering times being cut in half.

New mouse pointer APIs

In this release, the mouse pointer APIs have been reworked and extended. The pointerInput modifier has been extended with the PointerEventType.Enter and PointerEventType.Exit events, which can be retrieved inside an awaitPointerEventScope:

val text = remember{ mutableStateOf("Start")}
var modifier = Modifier.pointerInput(Unit) {
   while (true) {
       val event = awaitPointerEventScope { awaitPointerEvent() }
       when (event.type) {
           PointerEventType.Enter -> text.value = "Enter"
           PointerEventType.Exit -> text.value = "Left"

Button(onClick = {}, modifier) {

This low-level API also serves as the foundation for the convenient new hoverable API.


We’re introducing an extra modifier for a common type of mouse events – hovering. This modifier allows you to access the hover state of a composable without having to use the lower-level mouse events API. You can instead query the hover state of a composable directly:

val interactionSource = remember { MutableInteractionSource() }
val isHovered by interactionSource.collectIsHoveredAsState()
       .hoverable(interactionSource = interactionSource)
       .background(if (isHovered) Color.Red else Color.Green)

Transparent window support

The era of purely rectangular Compose for Desktop windows is over! You can now make the background for your application’s window transparent. Together with disabled window decorations, this gives you full control over how the user interface is rendered. Whether your app uses custom rounded corners for its window or renders free-floating buttons on the user’s desktop, transparent windows provide access to a new category of designs that you can easily implement:

A sample user interface that uses custom window decorations and rounded corners by using Compose for Desktop’s transparent window support
fun main() = application {
   var isOpen by remember { mutableStateOf(true) }
   if (isOpen) {
           onCloseRequest = { isOpen = false },
           title = "Transparent Window Example",
           transparent = true,
           undecorated = true, //transparent window must be undecorated
       ) {
               modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize().padding(5.dp).shadow(3.dp, RoundedCornerShape(20.dp)),
               color = Color(55, 55, 55),
               shape = RoundedCornerShape(20.dp) //window has round corners now
           ) {
               Box(modifier = Modifier.fillMaxWidth(), contentAlignment = Alignment.BottomEnd) {
                       onClick = { isOpen = false },
                       modifier = Modifier.padding(20.dp).align(Alignment.BottomCenter),
                       colors = ButtonDefaults.buttonColors(backgroundColor = Color(75, 75, 75)),
                   ) {
                       Text("Close", color = Color(200, 200, 200))

Preview: accessibility support on macOS

We want to make sure that the applications you build with Compose for Desktop are accessible to everyone, including users with disabilities. In order to increase the accessibility of your applications for blind users and those with low vision, this release includes preview support for Apple’s VoiceOver, the screen reader built into macOS.

So far, these accessibility features are only available on macOS, but we’re hoping to add support for Windows soon. Accessibility for cross-platform applications remains a technical challenge. We’ll talk more about making Compose Multiplatform accessible for everyone in a follow-up blog post on the topic.

What’s new in Compose for Web

The Beta version of Compose Multiplatform also comes with new additions to its web target. In Compose for Web, your composables create a DOM tree – a tree of HTML nodes, which the browser then renders using its layout engine. Now, we are adding support for composable scalable vector graphics.

Composable SVG support

With this release, we’ve extended the APIs to also allow you to declaratively define SVGs – Scalable Vector Graphics – using the @Composable API. This means you can now define and embed vector images in your web applications that react to changes in the application’s state, once again leveraging a powerful and type-safe Kotlin DSL.

fun svgDemo() {
   Div() {
       Svg(viewBox = "0 0 200 200") {
           var currentColor by remember { mutableStateOf(0) }
           val colors = listOf(
               rgb(200, 0, 0),
               rgb(100, 0, 0),
               rgb(100, 20, 0),
               rgb(20, 100, 0)
           SvgText("Click the circle!", x = 20, y = 20)
           Circle(100, 100, 20, {
               attr("fill", colors[currentColor].toString())
               onClick {
                   currentColor = (currentColor + 1).mod(colors.size)

We’re almost there: expect 1.0 soon!

Compose Multiplatform is now in Beta! Most of the APIs are now very close to being stable, and we are not expecting any major API changes before the final release. We’re putting the finishing touches on Compose Multiplatform, and you can look forward to its stable, 1.0 release sometime later this year.

Try out Compose Multiplatform Beta!

Whatever combination of web, desktop, and Android you may target – we hope you’ll give this version of Compose Multiplatform a try! Evaluate Compose Multiplatform for your production applications, or build your next MVP using our declarative UI framework!

We offer a variety of resources to help you get started:

If you’re upgrading an existing application, and want to use Compose Multiplatform Beta, add the following to your settings.gradle.kts file:

pluginManagement {
   repositories {
       gradlePluginPortal() //compose beta plugin is published here

Additionally, make sure that you specify the correct dependencies for Compose Multiplatform in your build.gradle.kts:

import org.jetbrains.compose.*
import org.jetbrains.compose.desktop.application.dsl.TargetFormat
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.tasks.KotlinCompile

plugins {
   kotlin("jvm") version "1.5.31"
   id("org.jetbrains.compose") version "1.0.0-beta5"
   //add other plugins here if needed

repositories {
   jetbrainsCompose()  //repository that contains Compose MPP artifacts

dependencies {
   implementation(compose.desktop.currentOs) //for desktop
   implementation(compose.web.core) //for web
   implementation(compose.web.svg) //for web
   implementation(compose.runtime) //for web

Share your feedback and join the discussion

The stable release of Compose Multiplatform is already on the horizon. That’s why we are once again asking for your feedback. Help us help you by reporting problems, telling us about APIs that you feel are missing, and requesting features you’d like to see. You can do all of this in the project’s issue tracker.

If you want to talk to other developers and team members, we also invite you to join the discussion on the Kotlin Slack. In the #compose-desktop and #compose-web channels, you can find discussions about Compose for Desktop and Web, respectively. In #compose you can discuss general topics involving Compose and Jetpack Compose for Android.

We can’t wait to see what you’ll build next with Compose Multiplatform! Take care!

See also

Continue ReadingCompose Multiplatform Goes Beta: Stabilized APIs, Compatibility with Google’s Compose Artifacts, and More

Compose Multiplatform Goes Beta: Stabilized APIs, Compatibility with Google’s Compose Artifacts, and More

Compose Multiplatform, the declarative UI framework for Kotlin, has reached Beta. This brings Compose for Desktop and Compose for Web another step closer to their stable release later this year. Here are the highlights:

In this blog post, we will cover all the details about the major changes with this release.

Stabilizing APIs

As we are moving towards the first stable release of Compose Multiplatform, we are proceeding with the stabilization of its APIs. Starting with this release, APIs which we believe might change in the future are annotated as experimental. Going forward, you can consider APIs that are not explicitly marked as experimental to be mostly stable.

As an example of an interface that could still change before 1.0, we can take mouseScrollFilter: it’s an API for managing scroll events, currently only available in Compose for Desktop. We want to make it available for all platforms – but such a commonization could obviously lead to some changes in its interface. Another example is mouseMoveFilter – we haven’t received enough feedback on its usage yet to fully determine whether its current form will also be its final form. As we gather more input from users, we may still consider applying some changes.

For a comprehensive list of all the API changes in this release, feel free to refer to the changelog in the official Compose Multiplatform repository. In this blog post, we’ll just be looking at the highlights.

Compatibility with Google’s Compose artifacts

Previously, Compose Multiplatform contained artifacts for Desktop, Web and Android. This caused issues when the framework was used simultaneously with Compose Android artifacts published by Google (e.g. when one framework was used together with a library based on another framework).

With Compose Multiplatform Beta, we have stopped publishing Android artifacts ourselves. Instead, Compose Multiplatform now refers to Google’s artifacts directly. This approach prevents typical issues, such as duplicate class conflicts. Developers will be able to use Compose without thinking about the artifact publisher, and library authors will be able to support Compose Multiplatform and Android-only Jetpack Compose use cases without having to deal with compatibility issues.

What’s new in Compose for Desktop

In the Beta release of Compose Multiplatform, the desktop target benefits from performance and rendering stability improvements, accessibility support on MacOS, and refined APIs for controlling user interactions.

Rendering fallbacks and improved software rendering

By default, Compose for Desktop uses hardware-accelerated rendering via DirectX, OpenGL, and Metal. However, there is a near-infinite combination of graphics hardware and drivers on the market that can introduce all kinds of rendering problems. Nevertheless, we want to ensure that any applications you build with Compose for Desktop still run on these systems.

To address this, we’re introducing automatic rendering fallbacks for Compose for Desktop. They ensure that even when certain rendering technologies have issues on the target system, your application will remain usable. For example, if the system running your application encounters issues with the DirectX renderer, Compose for Desktop will change to an OpenGL-based rendering strategy. If OpenGL has incompatibilities or problems, your app will automatically switch to software rendering.

The software renderer (the most basic and most widely compatible rendering backend in Compose for Desktop) also receives some massive performance boosts with this release. Our benchmarks show that the optimizations included with this release make the rendering process at least 50% faster, with some systems seeing rendering times being cut in half.

New mouse pointer APIs

In this release, the mouse pointer APIs have been reworked and extended. The pointerInput modifier has been extended with the PointerEventType.Enter and PointerEventType.Exit events, which can be retrieved inside an awaitPointerEventScope:

val text = remember{ mutableStateOf("Start")}
var modifier = Modifier.pointerInput(Unit) {
   while (true) {
       val event = awaitPointerEventScope { awaitPointerEvent() }
       when (event.type) {
           PointerEventType.Enter -> text.value = "Enter"
           PointerEventType.Exit -> text.value = "Left"

Button(onClick = {}, modifier) {

This low-level API also serves as the foundation for the convenient new hoverable API.


We’re introducing an extra modifier for a common type of mouse events – hovering. This modifier allows you to access the hover state of a composable without having to use the lower-level mouse events API. You can instead query the hover state of a composable directly:

val interactionSource = remember { MutableInteractionSource() }
val isHovered by interactionSource.collectIsHoveredAsState()
       .hoverable(interactionSource = interactionSource)
       .background(if (isHovered) Color.Red else Color.Green)

Transparent window support

The era of purely rectangular Compose for Desktop windows is over! You can now make the background for your application’s window transparent. Together with disabled window decorations, this gives you full control over how the user interface is rendered. Whether your app uses custom rounded corners for its window or renders free-floating buttons on the user’s desktop, transparent windows provide access to a new category of designs that you can easily implement:

A sample user interface that uses custom window decorations and rounded corners by using Compose for Desktop’s transparent window support
fun main() = application {
   var isOpen by remember { mutableStateOf(true) }
   if (isOpen) {
           onCloseRequest = { isOpen = false },
           title = "Transparent Window Example",
           transparent = true,
           undecorated = true, //transparent window must be undecorated
       ) {
               modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize().padding(5.dp).shadow(3.dp, RoundedCornerShape(20.dp)),
               color = Color(55, 55, 55),
               shape = RoundedCornerShape(20.dp) //window has round corners now
           ) {
               Box(modifier = Modifier.fillMaxWidth(), contentAlignment = Alignment.BottomEnd) {
                       onClick = { isOpen = false },
                       modifier = Modifier.padding(20.dp).align(Alignment.BottomCenter),
                       colors = ButtonDefaults.buttonColors(backgroundColor = Color(75, 75, 75)),
                   ) {
                       Text("Close", color = Color(200, 200, 200))

Preview: accessibility support on macOS

We want to make sure that the applications you build with Compose for Desktop are accessible to everyone, including users with disabilities. In order to increase the accessibility of your applications for blind users and those with low vision, this release includes preview support for Apple’s VoiceOver, the screen reader built into macOS.

So far, these accessibility features are only available on macOS, but we’re hoping to add support for Windows soon. Accessibility for cross-platform applications remains a technical challenge. We’ll talk more about making Compose Multiplatform accessible for everyone in a follow-up blog post on the topic.

What’s new in Compose for Web

The Beta version of Compose Multiplatform also comes with new additions to its web target. In Compose for Web, your composables create a DOM tree – a tree of HTML nodes, which the browser then renders using its layout engine. Now, we are adding support for composable scalable vector graphics.

Composable SVG support

With this release, we’ve extended the APIs to also allow you to declaratively define SVGs – Scalable Vector Graphics – using the @Composable API. This means you can now define and embed vector images in your web applications that react to changes in the application’s state, once again leveraging a powerful and type-safe Kotlin DSL.

fun svgDemo() {
   Div() {
       Svg(viewBox = "0 0 200 200") {
           var currentColor by remember { mutableStateOf(0) }
           val colors = listOf(
               rgb(200, 0, 0),
               rgb(100, 0, 0),
               rgb(100, 20, 0),
               rgb(20, 100, 0)
           SvgText("Click the circle!", x = 20, y = 20)
           Circle(100, 100, 20, {
               attr("fill", colors[currentColor].toString())
               onClick {
                   currentColor = (currentColor + 1).mod(colors.size)

We’re almost there: expect 1.0 soon!

Compose Multiplatform is now in Beta! Most of the APIs are now very close to being stable, and we are not expecting any major API changes before the final release. We’re putting the finishing touches on Compose Multiplatform, and you can look forward to its stable, 1.0 release sometime later this year.

Try out Compose Multiplatform Beta!

Whatever combination of web, desktop, and Android you may target – we hope you’ll give this version of Compose Multiplatform a try! Evaluate Compose Multiplatform for your production applications, or build your next MVP using our declarative UI framework!

We offer a variety of resources to help you get started:

If you’re upgrading an existing application, and want to use Compose Multiplatform Beta, add the following to your settings.gradle.kts file:

pluginManagement {
   repositories {
       gradlePluginPortal() //compose beta plugin is published here

Additionally, make sure that you specify the correct dependencies for Compose Multiplatform in your build.gradle.kts:

import org.jetbrains.compose.*
import org.jetbrains.compose.desktop.application.dsl.TargetFormat
import org.jetbrains.kotlin.gradle.tasks.KotlinCompile

plugins {
   kotlin("jvm") version "1.5.31"
   id("org.jetbrains.compose") version "1.0.0-beta5"
   //add other plugins here if needed

repositories {
   jetbrainsCompose()  //repository that contains Compose MPP artifacts

dependencies {
   implementation(compose.desktop.currentOs) //for desktop
   implementation(compose.web.core) //for web
   implementation(compose.web.svg) //for web
   implementation(compose.runtime) //for web

Share your feedback and join the discussion

The stable release of Compose Multiplatform is already on the horizon. That’s why we are once again asking for your feedback. Help us help you by reporting problems, telling us about APIs that you feel are missing, and requesting features you’d like to see. You can do all of this in the project’s issue tracker.

If you want to talk to other developers and team members, we also invite you to join the discussion on the Kotlin Slack. In the #compose-desktop and #compose-web channels, you can find discussions about Compose for Desktop and Web, respectively. In #compose you can discuss general topics involving Compose and Jetpack Compose for Android.

We can’t wait to see what you’ll build next with Compose Multiplatform! Take care!

See also

Continue ReadingCompose Multiplatform Goes Beta: Stabilized APIs, Compatibility with Google’s Compose Artifacts, and More

Compose Multiplatform goes Alpha, unifying Desktop, Web, and Android UIs

Today’s release marks another step in our grand unified theory of UI development with Kotlin! We have a lot of news to talk about for our multiplatform UI efforts, including Compose for Desktop and Compose for Web. Today’s announcement builds on Google’s news last week that Jetpack Compose is now in 1.0 stable for Android. Here are the highlights:

  • Compose for Desktop and Compose for Web are being promoted to Alpha. Their versioning is now aligned under the Compose Multiplatform umbrella, making it possible to build Android, Desktop, and Web UIs with the same artifacts.
  • The JetBrains Toolbox App, our management application for IDEs, has finished migration to Compose for Desktop.
  • A new plugin for IntelliJ IDEA and Android Studio enables component previews for Compose for Desktop via the @Preview annotation.
  • Compose for Desktop now uses the composable window API by default, providing new support for adaptive window sizes, unified image resources, and new platform support for Linux on ARM64, allowing you to run it on targets like Raspberry Pi.
  • Compose for Web further extends its DOM and CSS APIs.

We’ve also outlined the path of Compose in our video The Compose Story and shared exciting news about where we want to take declarative multiplatform user interfaces next. Read on and find out more!

Unifying Desktop, Web, and Android UI development

The story of declarative UI development with Kotlin really took off with the introduction of Jetpack Compose by Google, a modern framework for building native user interfaces for Android. JetBrains is building on the foundation of Google’s Jetpack Compose and bringing the Compose framework to new places!

With Compose Multiplatform, we’re making it possible to use the same declarative approach and APIs used for modern Android applications to create user interfaces for desktop and browser apps powered by Kotlin on the JVM and Kotlin/JS. Using the mechanisms provided by Kotlin Multiplatform, you can now target any combination of the following from the same project:

  • Android (Jetpack Compose)
  • Desktop (Compose for Desktop)
  • Browser (Compose for Web)

Previously, Compose for Desktop and Compose for Web used separate sets of artifacts. We have now unified them under a single Gradle plugin and group of artifacts, meaning it’s easier than ever to get started with developing Android, desktop, and web user interfaces based on Compose.

With its new Alpha stability level, the APIs provided by Compose Multiplatform are now rapidly approaching their final form. This makes it a great time to write proof-of-concept implementations for your production applications so that you’ll be ready to go all-in on Compose when we hit 1.0, which we anticipate in 2021.

If you’re itching to try it yourself and you want to start writing your own modern UIs using Compose Multiplatform, feel free to read our official tutorials and learning materials. Or read on to learn more about what’s new in this latest release!

Learn more about Compose Multiplatform

How we got here: The Compose Story

To celebrate this significant step in making declarative, multiplatform user interface development with Kotlin a reality, we want to share our Compose story with you. To give you multiple perspectives on these efforts, we have invited Roman Elizarov, Project Lead for Kotlin at JetBrains; Nikolay Igotti, Lead for Compose at JetBrains; Jim Sproch, founder of Compose at Google; and Andrey Rudenko, Software Engineer in Compose UI.

Watch the story here to find out how it all started, how we got to where we are now, and what we plan to do next with Compose Multiplatform:

Compose in Production: JetBrains Toolbox App

Over the last few months, we’ve been watching our community adopt Compose for Desktop and Web in their projects – from small games, productivity helpers, and little demo apps to teams bringing Compose into their production apps.

At JetBrains, we’re now adopting Compose in some of our production applications, starting with the JetBrains Toolbox App, the management app for JetBrains IDEs with more than 800,000 monthly active users.

Toolbox App Screenshot

In their latest release, the team has completely converted the implementation of the application to Compose for Desktop. During the migration from an Electron-based user interface, the team noticed a number of advantages, some of which we’d like to highlight here:

  • Memory consumption was significantly decreased, especially while the application is running in the background
  • The installer size has been reduced by approximately 50%
  • Overall rendering performance of the application has improved significantly

JetBrains Toolbox team lead Victor Kropp also shared his opinion on Compose for Desktop in the post:

Compose for Desktop is still in its early stages, but it has already proved to be a great choice for the Toolbox App. With support from our colleagues who are developing the framework, we were able to rewrite the whole UI in almost no time. This allowed us to unify the development experience, so from business logic to UI, from application to server, Toolbox is now 100% Kotlin.

The story of the JetBrains Toolbox App adopting Kotlin and Compose for Desktop is an inspiring one, and a few paragraphs in our release post certainly can’t do it justice. For that reason, we are planning to share a full-fledged case study on the project in the future. If you’re interested in a more detailed behind-the-scenes look, keep an eye out or subscribe to our newsletter to hear when it arrives!

New IntelliJ IDEA and Android Studio plugin for Compose Multiplatform

With this release, we’re also announcing a new IDE plugin to support you in your development efforts: the Compose Multiplatform plugin for IntelliJ IDEA and Android Studio. It is being released in tandem with new versions of the framework, and provides additional features to help you bring your user interfaces to life.

This first version includes a long-awaited feature: the ability to preview your Compose for Desktop and Android components right in the IDE, without having to even start your application. To show a preview for a @Composable function that takes no parameters, add the @Preview annotation to its definition. This adds a small gutter icon, which you can use to toggle the preview pane for your component:

The plugin adds a gutter icon…
…from which you can trigger a non-interactive preview.

We hope this new preview helps you shorten your development cycle and makes it easier for you to translate ideas and thoughts into real designs and layouts based on Compose. We’ll be updating and extending this plugin with additional functionality in the future to further improve the development experience when using our UI frameworks.

To find and install the new plugin, search for “Compose Multiplatform IDE Support” in the Plugins Marketplace, or click below to open the plugin’s page directly:

Install the Compose Multiplatform Plugin

What’s new in Compose for Desktop

Besides taking the big step of promoting Compose for Desktop to Alpha, we’re also improving its APIs and adding support for a new platform in this release.

Composable Window APIs by Default

In Milestone 4 of Compose for Desktop, we introduced an experimental set of APIs for the management of Window, MenuBar, and Tray. These new APIs are all @Composable, using the same concepts of state management, behavior, and conditional rendering as the other components in your application.

In this release, these composable versions are now the default way of managing windows, menu bars, and tray icons, replacing the old window API. If you haven’t given these new APIs a try, or if you just want to learn more about the behavior and functionality they offer, you can refer to our updated Compose for Desktop tutorials on window and tray management.

Adaptive Window Size

Sometimes we want to show some content as a whole without knowing in advance what exactly will be shown, meaning that we don’t know the optimal window dimensions for it. To make development of these UI scenarios easier, we’ve introduced the adaptive window size feature. By setting one or both dimensions of your window’s WindowSize to Dp.Unspecified, Compose for Desktop will automatically adjust the initial size of your window in that dimension to accommodate its content:

fun main() = application {
   val state = rememberWindowState(width = Dp.Unspecified, height = Dp.Unspecified) //automatic size
       onCloseRequest = ::exitApplication,
       state = state,
       title = "Adaptive",
       resizable = false
   ) {
       Column(Modifier.background(Color(0xFFEEEEEE))) {
           Row {
               Text("label 1", Modifier.size(100.dp, 100.dp).padding(10.dp).background(Color.White))
               Text("label 2", Modifier.size(150.dp, 200.dp).padding(5.dp).background(Color.White))
               Text("label 3", Modifier.size(200.dp, 300.dp).padding(25.dp).background(Color.White))

Together with removing window decorations (via undecorated = true in your application’s Window definition), we believe this new way of creating dynamically sized windows opens up a lot of additional possibilities for user interfaces that come in all shapes and sizes!

Additional features for composable window menus

Modern desktop applications usually come with rich and complex window menus. In this release, we’ve added additional APIs that allow creating such rich menus. They can be structured, enriched with icons, shortcuts, and mnemonics and integrate widely used logic of checkboxes and single selection lists (radio buttons):

private fun MenuBarScope.FileMenu() = Menu("Settings", mnemonic = 'S') {
       mnemonic = 'R',
       shortcut = KeyShortcut(Key.R, ctrl = true),
       onClick = { println("Reset") }
       "Advanced settings",
       mnemonic = 'A',
       checked = isAdvancedSettings,
       onCheckedChange = { isAdvancedSettings = !isAdvancedSettings }
   if (isAdvancedSettings) {
       Menu("Theme") {
               mnemonic = 'L',
               icon = ColorCircle(Color.LightGray),
               selected = theme == Theme.Light,
               onClick = { theme = Theme.Light }
               mnemonic = 'D',
               icon = ColorCircle(Color.DarkGray),
               selected = theme == Theme.Dark,
               onClick = { theme = Theme.Dark }

Support for context menus

Compose for Desktop Alpha comes with support for default and custom context menus, which can be triggered by clicking the right mouse button. For selectable text and text fields, the framework provides a set of default context menu items, offering your users to copy, paste, cut, and select.

To specify custom context menu entries for your own components, you can provide a hierarchy of components:

fun main() = singleWindowApplication(title = "Context menu") {
   DesktopMaterialTheme { //it is mandatory for Context Menu
       val text = remember {mutableStateOf("Hello!")}
           items = {
               listOf(ContextMenuItem("Clear") { text.value = "" })
       ) {
                   value = text.value,
                   onValueChange = { text.value = it },
                   label = { Text(text = "Input") }

Cursor change behavior and pointer icon API

Starting with this version of Compose for Desktop, the mouse pointer now automatically turns into a text selection cursor when hovering over text fields or selectable text, signalling that a text selection is possible, and making your applications feel yet a bit more native.

For your own components, you can also adjust the behavior of the mouse pointer using the newly added pointerIcon modifier, which enables you to change the pointer when hovering over a specific component.

fun ApplicationScope.pointerIcons() {
   Window(onCloseRequest = ::exitApplication, title = "Pointer icons") {
               modifier = Modifier.pointerIcon(PointerIcon.Hand),
               text = "Hand icon!"

Mouse Clickable modifier

To give you easy access to the mouse buttons and keyboard modifier keys that are being clicked or pressed while a mouse click is happening, we’re introducing a new API with the .mouseClickable modifier. Adding this modifier to your component allows you to specify a callback that receives a MouseClickScope, which provides you with full information about the event:

fun ApplicationScope.mouseClickable() {
   Window(onCloseRequest = ::exitApplication, title = "mouseClickable") {
       Box {
           var clickableText by remember { mutableStateOf("Click me!") }

               modifier = Modifier.mouseClickable(
                   onClick = {
                       if (buttons.isPrimaryPressed && keyboardModifiers.isShiftPressed)  {
                           clickableText = "Shift + left-mouse click!"
                       } else {
                           clickableText = "Wrong combination, try again!"
               text = clickableText


Please note that this API is not final yet – we’re continuing its development and are likely to change it in the future.

Unified image resources and icon painter

On our road to stabilizing Compose for Desktop’s APIs further, we’re continuing to improve and simplify the way you work with graphics. Instead of separating graphics resources into svgResource, imageResource, and vectorXmlResource, you can now use a unified painterResource, which can be used for all three types of graphics:

fun ApplicationScope.painterResource() {
   Window(onCloseRequest = ::exitApplication, title = "Image resources") {
       Column {
               painter = painterResource("sample.svg"), // Vector
               contentDescription = "Sample",
               modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize()
               painter = painterResource("sample.xml"), // Vector
               contentDescription = "Sample",
               modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize()
               painter = painterResource("sample.png"), // ImageBitmap
               contentDescription = "Sample",
               modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize()

We have also changed the window icon property from java.awt.Image to, so you’ll be able to use vector-based icons in addition to raster graphics going forward:

fun vectorWindowIcon() {
   application {
       var icon = painterResource("sample.svg") //vector icon
       Window(onCloseRequest = ::exitApplication, icon = icon) {
           Text("Hello world!")

Support for Linux on ARM64

With this release, Compose for Desktop adds support for Linux running on devices with an ARM64-based processor, in addition to the existing x86-64 support. In total, you can now write user interfaces for the following platforms using Compose for Desktop:

  • macOS on x64 and arm64
  • Linux on x64 and arm64
  • Windows on x64

What’s new in Compose for Web

Alongside Compose for Desktop, Compose for Web has also been promoted to Alpha. The two have aligned their versioning scheme and release cycles, as well as extended the available functionality through their DSLs for style and event management.

Extended CSS API

We’re continuing to improve and refine our APIs to specify styling rules through CSS. This latest release adds better support for arithmetic operations, setting properties, and support for animations from within the type-safe DSL.

Arithmetic operations with CSS units

You can now execute any arbitrary operations on CSS numeric values. If you are using an operation on two values of the same unit, you’ll get a new value of the same unit, like in the following example:

val a = 5.px
val b = 20.px
borderBottom(a + b) // 25px

CSS API for setting properties

We have expanded the typesafe access to all of the most-used CSS properties, and cover a large portion of all CSS properties that are supported in modern browsers. This means in most cases, you will be able to benefit from our type-safe API directly. For more exotic properties, or properties that are not yet supported, you can also make assignments via the property function, which takes keys and values directly:

borderWidth(topLeft = 4.px, bottomRight = 10%) // type-safe access!

property("some-exotic-property", "hello-friend") // raw property assignment

Animation API

To make your Compose-based user interfaces even more dynamic, we now provide the option to create CSS animations from within the type-safe DSL:

object AppStyleSheet : StyleSheet() {
   val bounce by keyframes {
       from {
           property("transform", "translateX(50%)")

       to {
           property("transform", "translateX(-50%)")

   val myClass by style {
       animation(bounce) {

If you want to explore those APIs more on your own, be sure to check out our newly added examples, which show off some more advanced CSS animation and DOM manipulation functionality.

Event hierarchy, event listeners, and new input types

Handling events, especially those emitted by input components, is one of the key parts of reacting to changes in a Compose app. In this release, we’ve simplified access to event properties, made it easier to define event listeners, and provided different input types.

Event Types Hierarchy

Previously, most event-based APIs required you to work with the nativeEvent or eventTarget directly in order to access the values of the event you were interested in. Starting with this version of Compose for Web, you now have access to a SyntheticEvent, whose subtypes make it easier to access the relevant properties of the emitted events. SyntheticMouseEvent exposes coordinates, SyntheticInputEvent exposes text values, and SyntheticKeyEvent exposes keystrokes, to name just a few examples:

Div(attrs = {
   onClick { event -> // SyntheticMouseEvent
       val x = event.x
       val y = event.y

These new event types aim to provide access to the same properties that [are available for in native events]( directly, without having to access the nativeEvent or the event’s target directly.


In regular HTML, different input types, from text fields to checkboxes, all share the same tag – input. To make it easier to use these different input types from within the Kotlin DSL, and to provide you with more relevant hints, we have introduced a number of additional functions for creating inputs of different types:

TextInput(value = "text", attrs = {
   onInput { } // all these components have attrs same as HTMLInputElement
CheckboxInput(checked = false)
RadioInput(checked = false)
NumberInput(value = 0, min = 0, max = 10)
DateInput(value = 2021-10-10")
TelInput(value = "0123456")
// and other input types

Event Listeners

We have further unified the functions used for listening to events for different input types. Input-type specific functions for input listeners like onCheckBoxInput have been removed and you can now use onInput or onChange directly, which means you no longer have to search for the correctly named callback:

Input(type = InputType.Text, attrs = {
   onInput { event ->
       val inputValue: String = event.value

Input(type = InputType.Checkbox, attrs = {
   onInput { event ->
       val isChecked: Boolean = event.value

Try out Compose Multiplatform Alpha!

Whether you’re targeting the web, desktop, Android, or all three – we hope you’ll give Compose Multiplatform a try!

We’re anticipating Compose Multiplatform 1.0 – our first stable release – later this year, so now is the ideal time to stay ahead of the curve and evaluate Compose Multiplatform for your production applications.

To help you get started, there are a number of resources available:

Pre-release notes

Compose Multiplatform is currently in Alpha. While most APIs are now already closely resembling their stable shape, please keep in mind that we may still alter some of the APIs to ensure the final release provides the best development experience possible. As we approach the stable release, we continue to rely on your feedback to help us achieve this!

Share your feedback and join the discussion

As we continue our path to the stable release, we’d like to hear your thoughts and feedback on working with Compose Multiplatform. Help us help you by reporting problems, telling us about APIs that you feel are missing, and requesting features you’d like to see. All this can be done in the project’s issue tracker.

If you want to talk to other developers and team members, we also invite you to join the discussion on the Kotlin Slack. In #compose-desktop you can find discussions about Compose for Desktop, and in #compose you can discuss general topics involving Compose and Jetpack Compose on Android.

Take care, and go build some awesome user interfaces with Compose Multiplatform!

See also

Continue ReadingCompose Multiplatform goes Alpha, unifying Desktop, Web, and Android UIs

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