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Say Hello to Jetpack Compose and Compare with XML


Hi everyone 👋 I will try to explain Jetpack Compose Fundamentals and Why should I use Jetpack Compose. Jetpack Compose is important because it is a new way of building modern UI in Android. Let’s dive into the UI development in Android without XML.

In my opinion, Jetpack Compose is the future of Android UI development and we must adopt fastly.

What is Jetpack Compose?

Jetpack Compose is Android’s modern toolkit for building native UI. It simplifies and accelerates UI development on Android – Google

Jetpack Compose is a modern toolkit that allows us to build our screens in a declarative approach writing less code. Android UI Development is now more powerful and more decoupled.

Before Jetpack Compose, we were using XML layouts to build the native UI. We had a very dependent structure when we build the screens with XML. Also, fragments are very heavy components for the UI. Jetpack Compose allows us to build the same UI with a declarative UI approach and with less code.

Why should I use Jetpack Compose?

In my opinion, it’s more than easy from XML and Kotlin ❤️

If we look technically:

  • Declarative UI is cleaner, readable, and performant than Imperative UI.
  • Compose allows you to do more with less code compared to XML.
  • Compose is Intuitive. This means that you just need to tell Compose what you want to show the user.
  • Compose is compatible with all your existing code: you can call Compose code from Views and Views from Compose. Also integrated with many Jetpack Libraries.
  • Compose improves your build time and APK size.

XML Design vs Jetpack Compose

Composition — Recomposition — State Management

Each composables has a initial compositon. Initial composition runs only when we see a view at first time in screen.

Composables can hold a state and re-run on state changes. This is called Recomposition.

Say Hello 👋 to Jetpack Compose and Compare with XML was originally published in Kt. Academy on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

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Jetpack Compose: First Impressions and Learning Resources

Android’s current UI toolkit is over 10 years old now… Do stop me if you’ve heard this before 😉

As you most certainly already know, Jetpack Compose is the hot new thing for Android UI development. Its promise is to save us by making all the pain points of the old View system and XML layouts go away.

After many many preview versions, it got to beta status about a week ago. Here’s what it’s like to use Compose at the moment, and some of the best places to learn more about it.

The good

First of all, Compose is exciting. It makes a lot of basic UI work really simple, and you get to write it all in Kotlin, making use of all the language’s powerful features! The APIs have great discoverability in Android Studio, since all of it is just Kotlin code that you can access via code completion. This makes it truly easy to get started.

Kotlin’s type safety also works wonders in Compose. No passing in dp values instead of pixels, or mixing up vertical and horizontal alignment options. Everything is strongly typed, and the compiler safeguards you from making many, many mistakes.

The declarative style and state management of Compose is great as well. Writing down what you want to appear based on state is not only clear and explicit, but also a blessing after the problematic state management of the View system.

Given how much effort is going into developing and marketing Compose, it’s almost certainly the future of Android UI development. That being said, the XML system will probably never fully go away. Just like the Java to Kotlin shift, it will take a couple years until the new standard really kicks in, and we’ll occasionally still find ourselves interacting with code from the before times.

So… Get on board soon, just don’t expect all of the old system to disappear overnight. I’d certainly still suggest learning the old XML based system to anyone starting Android Development today — unless they’re somehow very certain that they’ll never work on an existing project.

Jetpack Compose comes with some cool Android Studio tooling as well. Flutter users will probably already be familiar with the handy Surround with shortcuts that let you wrap pieces of code in a new widget, and the same makes an appearance in Studio now.

Select some code, invoke Surround with (Ctrl+Alt+J on Windows, ⌥⌘J on macOS), and then hit R for a Row, C for a Column, or W for an arbitrary widget.

Another quick tip: creating a new Composable will immediately add a parameter list and a body to it, and then place your cursor inside its parameter list, to let you immediately add modifiers and other parameters.

If you don’t want to add any parameters, you can hit Tab to quickly skip to defining its content.

The bad

Now, let’s see the bad part, continuing with the tooling theme. To run Compose, you’ll have to run the latest Canary version of Android Studio. This version has… Some issues.

From my personal experience of a few days:

  • IDE Previews (which would be a really nice feature for Compose) sometimes don’t load at all, or don’t update as changes are made (even after rebuilding). Re-running either the full app or just deploying a @Preview to a device was faster than using the IDE preview feature 100% of the time.
  • The debugger never connected to either an emulator or a physical device when running Compose apps. Still didn’t manage to solve this, though I heard others had more success.
  • Logcat doesn’t show app names when running apps, making it difficult to filter the logs for the current app.
  • When running the emulator in a tool window inside the IDE, the emulator tab occasionally doesn’t appear in the preview version of Studio. I had times when I used the emulator tab inside another project in a stable Android Studio instead… I eventually gave in and reverted to using an emulator in a separate window.
  • Sometimes Studio just froze up entirely, and its process had to be killed and restarted. This happened about once a day or so.

I heard some similar anecdotal stories from others, including excessive resource usage when using Compose compared to other projects. These were occasionally fixable by restarting, invalidating caches, restarting adb, and similar “usual” debugging practices.

Another pain point of using Jetpack Compose can be that looking up how to do things is a bit hit-and-miss for the time being. For example, when you land on StackOverflow questions about it, you’ll often find answers that say “this is how to do it in dev11”, or “here’s the new API for this in alpha3”, but then none of those APIs will be present in the current beta version.

Of course, on one hand it’s nice that Compose went through a lot of iteration and they weren’t afraid to change and evolve APIs — that’s what the preview versions are for.

On the other, it makes for a somewhat unpleasant experience for developers trying to build things on the latest Compose version. Thankfully this situation will naturally improve over time, but we’ll have to wait a bit to get enough new, up-to-date answers in.

The resources

Since StackOverflow won’t be your best friend for learning Compose yet, where else can you go?

First, there’s Google’s official resources, which are a decent start:

  • Their best resource by far is the written documentation pages — get started with them here. These include a lot of helpful explanation and snippets for designing things in Compose, and also touch on more advanced topics like navigation, architecture, and interop with existing code.
  • There’s a lot of video content about Compose as well, under the #AndroidShow branding. I’ll recommend skipping most of this, especially the livestream and Q&A parts — they’re not really developer-focused, and contain a lot of hype and marketing.
    What contains a lot of value, however, are their screencasts about Compose features (which are also included in sections of the written docs). You can find these in this YouTube playlist.
  • If you’re new to Compose, the Beta overview video is also worth watching. For more longer-form introductory content, these videos from last year are all really helpful: Jetpack Compose, Thinking in Compose, Compose by example, and Compose for existing apps.
  • For hands-on practice, take a look at Google’s Compose Pathway that includes videos, articles, and code labs. This goes into significant detail in some parts — feel free to skip the things you’re not interested in learning deeply immediately, otherwise it’ll take a long time to get through it.
    I also found that some of the codelabs here were outdated (not using beta1 APIs yet), so be prepared to fiddle a bit with the code snippets provided, or to debug dependencies. Again, this is something that will be improved soon.

If you prefer reading, RayWenderlich team’s Jetpack Compose book has really solid, professional content in it, providing a complete tour for you to get started with: A nice exploration of the basic UI building blocks of Compose, as well as multiple example apps. (This, again, is slightly outdated, as its samples use alpha10. Fingers crossed that it gets a revision soon.)

For even more long-form video explanations, guidance, and demos, Exploring Jetpack Compose and Advanced Jetpack Compose by Filip Babić are both excellent.

To find quick snippets for how to perform basic things, the Compose Academy site can come in handy.

Finally, exploring Compose on your own is also a great way to learn about it. All of the APIs you use are just Kotlin code, so exploring through code completion, and jumping into the underlying implementation in Android Studio to read the source are super easy. The in-code documentation for most Compose APIs also tends to be excellent.


Are you excited and ready for Jetpack Compose? We know that we are, and you can look forward to more Compose content from us soon, including in our Android Chat SDK.

Tweet at us @getstream_io and tell us what you think about Compose, and what you found to be the most useful way to learn about it!

Originally published at

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Jetpack Compose: First Impressions and Learning Resources was originally published in Kt. Academy on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

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JetPack Compose  — State Management

IJetPack Compose 🏹 — State Management

It refers to manage the state of the user interface while interacting with widgets like text fields, buttons, radio buttons, etc.

Jetpack compose official

State Management in Android is a complex concept and to know the reason you have to first understand the architectural design of Android and to learn why it’s the key requirement to manage state. The Marcelo Benites article Managing State in Android defines the best description of the state:

The state is an object that is connected/subscribed to one or more widgets, contains data, and eager to update the widgets from that data. If there’s any change happens in data, it notifies all widgets to whom it’s connected. The values of the state are changed at runtime.

In jetpack compose the concept of state management is the same as Observable pattern which stated that if there is any change that occurs in the subscribed object, it triggers all of its dependent objects automatically.

In addition to the above concept, jetpack compose has some functional change, which states that the subscribed @ composable function(s) recomposes itself with the new data when the state/object value is updated and doesn’t affect or update the whole UI.

According to the state management document, jetpack composes support state using two ways:

  • remember { mutableStateOf(…) }
  • MutableStateOf
Current working environment

In the past, we used @Model annotation but it was deprecated in0.1.0-dev12. Then state{} annotation deprecated in 0.1.0-dev16.

Let’s discuss it in detail:

remember { mutableStateOf(…) }

It’s an extended version of State

state approach

This approach is the same as what we did in state the only change we see is the calling. Let see what composable team said about it:

Mark the state composable as deprecated and promote the direct usage of remember { mutableStateOf(…) } instead for better clarity and understanding of the Compose state management API surface. This reduces the overall API surface and the number of concepts for state management and matches the `by mutableStateOf()` pattern for class property delegation.

In this concept, the object is initialized in the same scope where the mutation is implementing. The best possible initialization is inside the @compose function. It also follows the same Kotlin object hierarchical pattern like to pass as a reference to another function. Now, you have a scenario in which you want to mutate the object that’s initialized outside of the scope, then the next approach mutableStateOf is useful.

How to use remember { mutableStateOf(…) } approach


mutableStateOf and property delegates

mutableStateOf approach

mutableStateOf API allows us to create MutableState instances outside of class. In this approach, each property is observed individually, so the recompositions you see after this refactor could be more narrow. 🤔

In simple words, it says that read and write operation on each property is watched by compose and if there’s any property change, the composable triggers all of the composed indexes where this property is observed. It also gives us the value property on execution.

See the whole concept of mutableStateOf from the below-defined example:

If you want to get more clarification then route to my Scaffold tutorial:


The output of scaffold is:

Scaffold output

I hope this article was useful to cover the basic questions regarding Jetpack Compose state management and explore the benefits behind it. Follow me on Twitter for more updates:

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JetPack Compose 🏹 — State Management was originally published in Kt. Academy on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

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