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Construct object through parent sealed class, and child private constructor


I want to implement some Scala inspired Try monad

I wanted to know if it is possible to make child class (Success and Failure) not instantiate by themselves (no public constructor), but only from the Try.Companion.invoke method. Here’s my current code with public constructor for both child, when I make them private I got an error in invoke method (which I understand). I found nothing in the Kotlin documentation about this kind of thing and I don’t think it is possible, so I post here just in case

sealed class Try<T> { companion object { operator fun <T>invoke(elem: () -> T) = try { Success(elem()) } catch (e: Exception) { Failure<T>(e) } } } data class Success<T>(val value: T) : Try<T>() data class Failure<T>(val e: Exception) : Try<T>() 

Thanks in advance 😀

submitted by /u/lepaincestbon
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