You are currently viewing Help. I am making a Simple Calculator and need help adding the operators “%” “//” “**” To the code below.

Help. I am making a Simple Calculator and need help adding the operators “%” “//” “**” To the code below.

import java.util.*

fun main(args: Array<String>) {

val reader = Scanner(System.`in`)

print(“Enter two numbers: “)

// nextDouble() reads the next double from the keyboard

val first = reader.nextDouble()

val second = reader.nextDouble()

print(“Enter an operator (+, -, *, /): “)

val operator =[0]

val result: Double

when (operator) {

‘+’ -> result = first + second

‘-‘ -> result = first – second

‘*’ -> result = first * second

‘/’ -> result = first / second

// operator doesn’t match any case constant (+, -, *, /)

else -> {

System.out.printf(“Error! operator is not correct”)




System.out.printf(“%.1f %c %.1f = %.1f”, first, operator, second, result)


submitted by /u/i-eat-beans-69
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