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Is it a good idea that I’m trying to learn multithreading in Java before I can fully grasp how Coroutine works in Kotlin?

As I’m going through Android development, I’m realizing all my weak areas in Kotlin (like companion objects, lateinit/lazily, coroutines, JVM, etc) that require an understanding of Java (what I think, idk how true that is.) So I’ve been spending the last 2 months going through advanced Java textbooks, video courses, and practice, especially in areas of OOP, Multithreading, Networking, and Data Structures and Algorithms.

Is this a good idea? I’m really learning a lot, however, I haven’t touched Kotlin for months until I get a solid understanding of Java. I’ve done a fair amount of work with Kotlin before, but I have an unsatiating hunger to absolutely understand everything I see, whether it be Java or Kotlin.

But I’m no expert, so I’m not even sure if this is a good idea and whether if I’m wasting my time. What’s your take on this?

submitted by /u/Android_Castle
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