List within a List

What I’m trying to achieve by this is;

[Places] England, Scotland, New Zealand [Frute] Apple, Orange, Banana

where [Places] is a string in the list of myDictionary, and England, Scotland & New Zealand are a list from [Places] at the same index

var myDictionaryWords = mutableListOf<String>() var myDictionary = mutableListOf<List<Any>>(myDictionaryWords)

fun test() {
myDictionary.add(0, myDictionaryWords )

In my native tong language (Pure Basic) I would say this like the following;

Structure DICTIONARY name.s List words.s() EndStructure NewList dict.DICTIONARY() AddElement(dict()) dict()name = "Places" AddElement(dict()words()) dict()words = "England" AddElement(dict()words()) dict()words = "Scotland" AddElement(dict()words()) dict()words = "New Zealand" 

Unfortunately on stack-overflow I was told my question was to simple and I should google, which I had googled and googled the last few hours googling.

submitted by /u/InnerTJR
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