You are currently viewing Points in rectangle area

Points in rectangle area


Im struggling with some problem:

I have got method like that:

fun getPointsInRectangularSpace(coordinates: RectCoordinates) = getAllPoints().filter { it -> in coordinates.latBot..coordinates.latTop && it.lng in coordinates.lngLeft..coordinates.lngRight } 

getAllPoints method returns List<Point> (Point object is ( val lat : Double, val lng : Double)

RectCoordinates model:

RectCoordinates( val latBot: Double, val latTop: Double, val lngLeft: Double, val lngRight: Double) 

I have got in database Points like this :

Point(3.00,2.00), Point(-2.00,4.00) , Point(0.00,0.00)

so where I use json like that

{ "bot":-5.00, "top":5.00, "left":-5.00, "right":5.00 } 

It should return me all points, but returns only 0.00,0.00.

Im not sure if Im blind or something and somewhere lat and lng is mixed?

Edit: Fixed! When I added property


to every class field in RectCoordinates it started working fine

submitted by /u/Confident_Roof7310
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