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Programming with Functions – a YouTube series about basics of FP


I thought I’d spam you a little because I worked on this project for a long time and feel a bit proud 🙂
I’m a Scala developer but I write Scala for Android and so I sometimes write and review Kotlin code too. I see a lot of similarities and I think the differences often come from that in Kotlin people write more OOP, while there’s more FP in Scala. But of course we can do Functional Programming in Kotlin, especially with the Arrow library, but even without it.

So I made this series of YouTube videos about basics of Functional Programming. I use Scala code in examples, but basics are the same as in Kotlin really. Functions as parameters and results. Static types. Pattern matching. Option, Either, Try. And anyway the first video is an intro to the series and it’s more about theory of how FP can help us become better programmers: readability and simplicity. The next video will be released in a week or so, and the next ones will appear once a month or a bit more often than that.

submitted by /u/makingthematrix
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