Trying to learn kotlin with exercism and my brain REALY hurts

OK, so exercism was recommended here but it seems to really suck. Below is my journey to get the first exercise working. I have to say this is the worst learning experience I have ever had and I’ve been doing IT for over 20 years. This is made worse by the fact there does not seem to be any way of getting help on Absolutely no help/community help links on the website.

TLDR: the process was badly documented and I did not manage to actually submit the solution.

Ive installed exercism and got the files

$ exercism download --exercise=hello-world --track=kotlin

According to wikipedia page, the exercise links I need to do

fun main() {
println("Hello, World!")

but HelloWorld.kt has

fun hello(): String {
return "Goodbye, Mars!"

seems a bit overcomplicated for the first exercise with absolutely no teaching before it., but I guess I just change the text, even though it is not the solution exercise linking to.

fun hello(): String {
return "Hello, World!"

So now to run the tests. First I need to install the SDK, there are instructions at but they don’t work. So I had to go to to install Chocolatey, then install SDK, so far so good.

I then managed to run

I then run the tests

.gradlew.bat test

Docs do not include the . at the front, you do get told this in the error message but docs should have ..

Submitting the solution is another challenge,

exercism submit <implementation_file_paths>

But could not get this working. Tried submitting HelloWrold.kt

exercism.exe submit "C:UsersloginMy Driveexercismkotlinhello-worldsrcmainkotlinHelloWorld.kt"

Then I realized exercise was not actually a course, just a load of exercises so its all been a waste of time 🙁

submitted by /u/LifeAffect6762
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