Why it is not able to access classes from CommonMain in databinding layout in Kotlin Mutliplatform Mobile project ?

In my Kotlin Mutliplatform Mobile project, in Android App side, I am using Databinding

When I try to use a field (String) to bind them with a EditText from a class which is in commonMain module, I am getting “No binding adaptor found” error message

But if I access a field (String) from a class which is in App module itself, it’s working fine

Also, for a databinding variable, when I try to initialise them from Kotlin side, like binding.editService = EditService(), I am getting error like conflicting classpaths.. for editService. But this is not occuring when using App module classes as variable for binding

Why this is happening ? Why it is not possible to access commonMain classes in databinding layout ?

(not a help me post. just asking reason for these limitations?)

submitted by /u/RageshAntony
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