You are currently viewing Yet another DI library, bit this time it’s not a service locator

Yet another DI library, bit this time it’s not a service locator

Hi there. I’ve published an early version of my DI library for kotlin and I desperately need a feedback.

It’s a difficult project that with my skill and knowledge of kotlin compilation I could pull off, but barely. The question is: is it usefull for people anough for me to continue or should I leave it as prototype, forget about it and use service locators (or wait for ksp to support multiplatform in order for kotlin-inject to work on multiplatform)?

The project:

Current problems: no incremental compilation support, no build for mac/windows becaise jitpack doesn’t do that, and probably a ton of bugs πŸ™‚

Why it’s not like any other DI? It uses IR, so it doesn’t generate code files – no reruns for compilator. It’s as simple as possible: no confusing multibindings, field or method inhections. Only constructor injection, only hardcore.

Does it look like something you would use if it were stable and supported incremental compilation?


UPD: in order to shut up idea errors about missing function body there is a plugin for ide, but it’s not published πŸ™

submitted by /u/lllyct
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