JetBrains Toolbox 2020.2. Summary

All tools in the JetBrains Toolbox and included in the All Products Pack subscription have been updated to their new 2020.2 versions. Below you can read about what the updates bring to particular tools you use from the toolset, and you can update to the newest version via the Toolbox App or from the tool itself.

IntelliJ IDEA

IntelliJ IDEA 2020.2 lets you review and merge GitHub pull requests right from inside the IDE, quickly navigate between warnings and errors in a file through the new Inspections Widget, view the full list of issues in a current file with the Problems tool window, and get notified if your changes break other files. You can use Jakarta EE, and get better support for Quarkus, Micronaut, and OpenAPI.

WebStorm 2020.2 comes with a long-awaited option for using Prettier as the default formatter, best-in-class (now we can finally say so!) support for Vue, new intentions for JavaScript, full support for GitHub pull requests, and much more!

PyCharm 2020.2 comes out with a lot of improvements to increase your productivity and code quality. Now you can perform the full Pull Request workflow without leaving your IDE, using PyCharm’s newly designed UI. You can also easily catch exceptions in your code with the new preview window that will stop the code execution and point out the line of code that is generating the problem. Finally, changing method signatures and renaming classes have been made easier with the new in-place refactoring feature. Just type your changes in the editor, review it, and apply it to all its usages.

RubyMine 2020.2 introduces a new way to review problems in code, a whole host of new intention actions, support for the Liquid template language, full support for GitHub pull requests, and many more new features for Ruby, Rails, JS, and database tools.

ReSharper 2020.2 brings new inspections and quick-fixes for C#8 and nullable reference types, the much-awaited Code Cleanup on Save, and a revamped Unit Test Runner. Also, ReSharper C++ brings you to the next level of Unreal Engine development and comes with a lot of improvements for C++/CLI support, navigation, and code analysis.
Please note the new licensing for ReSharper covered in this blog post.

AppCode 2020.2 is here with initial Swift Package Manager support, speed improvements for code completion, navigation, and highlighting, the Change Signature refactoring for Swift, a brand new Problems view and inspection widget, full support for GitHub pull requests, and more!

PhpStorm 2020.2 is a major update for the IDE. It brings support for PHP 8 Union Types, a new control flow engine for PHP, full GitHub pull requests workflow support inside the IDE, a brand-new Inspection Widget, OpenAPI support via a plugin, and more.

GoLand 2020.2 includes new features for Go Modules, better presentation of possible problems and weak places in your code, new code inspections, new code editing features, such as the long-awaited Add Caret Per Selected Line, updates for version control including WSL2 support for Git on Windows, and more!

Rider 2020.2 delivers several highly requested features such as the Localization Manager to help you work with resources in your app or website, and Shader support in our Unity integration. We’ve completely reworked the Unit Test Runner and the debugger API to make them faster, more powerful, and more stable.

CLion 2020.2 covers a wider variety of C++ projects by adding Makefile projects and polishing CMake support. Thanks to better compliance with the C++20 standard, many reworked code analysis checks, and new unit testing abilities, writing high-quality modern C++ code has never been easier.

DataGrip 2020.2 brings a separate editor for cell values, DML preview in the data editor, Google BigQuery dialect, and more!

With these releases out, we’ve already started working on further improvements. This means that early access programs for 2020.3 should open very soon. Stay tuned!

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