A few Kotlin questions from a Rustacean

Looking to learn Kotlin, mainly focused on the android app development department. Wanted to ask a few questions to get going.


What IDE do you use? And with what extensions? Is there any linter you’d recommend? (Too in love with clippy)

The language:

I’m not 100% comfortable with the concept of null, as I much prefer Rust’s Option<T> (syntax) for avoiding NullPointerException panics.

I’m aware Kotlin uses non nullable types by default, but I’ll probably shoot myself in the foot a few times before getting null control right. Any tips for this?


I know the basics of programming in general and Kotlin, so I’d like to get going with more in-depth stuff about both the language and the android development section. Are there any tutorials/books/etc you’d recommend?

submitted by /u/Maleficent-Ad-9748
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