Already experienced with Flutter. Best courses to learn Kotlin Android development?

Hi all.

I have experience making Flutter apps (Android and iOS) and I’m comfortable with my skill level on that front. I also have experience with Python development (backend), which is what I do now at my current job.

However, I would really like to steer more towards Android apps by learning native development too.

I started some basic courses years ago (Java/XML), but never got very far as I had to prioritise other things at the time. Now I’d like to dive back into it with Kotlin.

I’ve been doing some research, but it doesn’t look like there are that many good courses for free (the free one from Google looks really basic, for people with no programming experience at all).

I’ve seen people recommend the JetBrains one, which starts free for the basic stuff but is expensive after that:

I’ve also found the Udacity Nanodegree, which is paid but a bit cheaper with discounts:–nd940

(supposedly done in collaboration with Google, but no idea if it’s any good.)

Any thoughts on those? Anything else you would recommend?

Thanks in advance!

submitted by /u/VMX
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