I am looking to try game development with LibKTX (and LibGDX). Do you know how I can get helpful documentation for the classes, methods, etc?

As I mentioned in the title, I am looking to try game development with LibKTX (and LibGDX).

I have looked online for helpful documentation, but I either get tutorials for making games or vague guides from an official GitHub README file by the LibKTX devs.

Although tutorials and documentation of said type are useful, I am hoping to find some sort of documentation similar to JetBrain’s documentation of the Kotlin language (found on kotlinlang.org). They allow you to browse classes and read about their fields and methods. An example of this style of documentation can be found here. I can’t find any official documentation (for LibKTX) that explains the structure of certain classes.

Ultimately, I am not sure where to start. Every YouTube tutorial I find recommends multiple applications and build tools that are unnecessary (and I feel would make it more confusing) and are usually outdated.

BTW, I am somewhat comfortable with the build tool, Gradle.

Thank you for any advice you may have!

submitted by /u/S5904
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