You are currently viewing I just released the first version of my 2D multiplatform game framework called ‘LittleKt’

I just released the first version of my 2D multiplatform game framework called ‘LittleKt’

Over the past few months I’ve been working on my game framework, built on top of OpenGL, that is heavily inpsired by libGDX and Korge. I just released the first version (v0.1.0) of it today and felt like I could finally show it off a bit.

The goal was to create a lightweight framework similar to libGDX (it may seem very familiar if you have used libGDX before as it takes a lot from it) that gives you the freedom to build your game or engine, your own way, on top of it but with all the goodies that Kotlin offers.

Currently it supports JS and JVM targets with Android and iOS planned and possibly native long term.

Some of the features that it currently includes:

  • Sprite batching
  • Virtual file system for loading assets
  • Scene graph / tree
  • A UI, based off of Godots implementation, built on top of the scene graph. Comes with a fancy DSL for building UIs. (Only a few containers and controls available currently but lots more planned).
  • A simple particle system
  • My attempt at coroutine support and usage
  • Audio streaming and playing clips
  • A somewhat working GLSL generator for creating shaders with Kotlin
  • Texture atlas support
  • LDtk tilemap support (Tiled planned in 0.2.0)
  • A texture packer tool and gradle plugin for packing images into atlases
  • Math classes and utility extensions

There are a lot more features and optimizations planned but I believe there is enough here to create games with.

I created a really simple platformer sample to try to showcase some of the features. It isn’t exhaustive (and not really fun) but should give a good idea on how the LittleKt works. (Samples source)

Sample Platformer

If you end up trying it out, let me know how it goes and any feedback you may have! I did create a site with and added a whole ton of documentation that should help get started. There are a bunch of doc pages that still need written but should hopefully should be enough.

GitHub * Website * Documentation

submitted by /u/_lehaine
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