Is Kotlin Multiplatform the right answer ?

Hi everyone ! first of all, thank you for all your posts, i’m not a super active member but many of your posts have helped me through my jurney and wanted to thanks first.

Well, my scenario is the following, i’m an android developer who has been working professionally the past 4 years with java, recently the company where i was working was gone bankrupt and i’m planing to launch my own app and create a startup around it. Basically i want to create a social media platform that will use third party libraries to make some stuff. (there’s different versions for iOs and Android)

I’ve been working on the android version (learning kotlin) and everything is working fine but yesterday i discovered the world of KMP, at first it was an amazing solution for me, as an android developer now i can also develop my app for iOs ? without “many” work, that sounds amazing. But then i realize its a quite “new” technology and i start to think if it would be a good idea to base my whole project on a technology like this.

As a developer i’m used to work with different technologies, during my jurney i’ve been touching everything, from back end to front end, to databases, to data analytics so i’m have no fear to learn something new. Should i look more in deep KMP or should i try to develop the iOs version in Swift ??

Thank you very much in advance.

submitted by /u/LaPinya95
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