You are currently viewing Is there a current explanation for how to use @sample in Dokka?

Is there a current explanation for how to use @sample in Dokka?

I’m pulling my hair out over this, would appreciate any pointers.

I’m fairly sure in the past I could just include @sample and the name of a function in the current scope, but this doesn’t seem to work anymore.

I’ve found some documentation indicating that it’s now necessary to specify a samples file or directly in build.gradle, but I’m having a difficult time getting this working too – I tried something like this:

dokkaHtml { dokkaSourceSets { configureEach { samples.from(files("src/main/kotlin/samples.kt")) } } } 

I get a lot of errors like these when I try to build the docs – which aren’t particularly helpful:

Cannot find descriptor for package select_sample Cannot find PsiElement corresponding to select_sample 

What’s particularly frustrating is that this seemed to be a lot simpler in the past.

Can anyone point me to best-practices for how to do this? I’ve been a fan of kotlin for years, partially because the tooling generally “just worked”. Things seem to be regressing :-/

submitted by /u/sanity
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