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Is there a way to do nested destructuring?

There are two places where it comes up quasi-frequently for me: lambda arguments, and unwrapping data classes.

Example 1:

data class Foo (val s: String, val i: Int) data class Bar (val f: Foo) fun doStuff () { val (f) = makeBar() val (_, i) = f useI(i) } fun useI(i: Int) { TODO() } fun makeBar(): Bar { TODO() } 

I’d like it if I could’ve written val ((_, i)) = makeBar() instead of having f as an intermediate.

Example 2:

data class Foo (val s: String, val i: Int)

fun doStuff () { val sum = makeListOfFoo().fold(0) { acc, foo -> acc + foo.i } println(sum) } fun makeListOfFoo(): List<Foo> { TODO() } 

I’d like it if I could write my lambda args like fold(acc) { acc, (_, i) ->

None of that is possible, right?

submitted by /u/ragnese
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