Just released my first Kotlin multiplatform app – ZenBreak!

Hi everyone, I’m happy to share with you that my Kotlin multiplatform app is now available on the Apple App Store and it’s under review for the Microsoft store :>

It’s a simple menu bar timer app (kinda like a pomodoro timer) that reminds you to take a break every once in a while with customisable behaviour and ui!

I built it for the Jetbrains Kotlin multiplatform contest even though, since I’m from Italy, I will not be able to win any prize, maybe a t-shirt and some stickers tho 🙂

Here is the GitHub repo and the website, leave a star or a review if you like it ^^

There are a few things in todo still and you can take a look at the issues on GitHub for that if you feel like contributing!

P.S.: The website is heavily inspired by the Jetbrains style haha

submitted by /u/GPime
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