Kotlin CLI template using GraalVM w/ releases using GitHub actions and Homebrew

I was looking for a sample Kotlin CLI application using GraalVM and came across https://github.com/grodzickir/kotlin-jvm-cli-native-tool-template that was shared on Reddit..

Unfortunately, there hasn’t been any activity on the project for some time, so I forked it and upgraded it to use the latest version of GraalVM along with adding..

  • Github Workflow support to create releases for Mac/Linux and Windows.
  • Homebrew formula using jreleaser to simplify installation on Mac.

The new template is available on GitHub at https://github.com/namuan/kt-cli-app

One thing to note is that the setup uses SDKMan to manage JDKs, which is convenient but not mandatory.
Hopefully, it’ll be useful for anyone looking to start a Kotlin/Java CLI project.


submitted by /u/namuan
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