Money for nothing and books for free

Hello Kotliner!

How’s your summer going? Hot and sunny or cloudy and stormy?

However it goes you’d probably like to know what is this newsletter all about, right?

Here we go. 🚆

Master Expanding/Folding code snippets

Kotlin books 📚

Proudly we announce that the latest book by Marcin Moskala —Advanced Kotlin— is finally complete and ready!

Together with the other 3 titles creates a series that will take you away from your daily duties and open new ways to programming in Kotlin. 😎

Kotlin Essentials

Functional Kotlin

Kotlin Coroutines

Available in paperback (Amazon) and as an ebook (on Leanpub).

Kotlin workshops 🧑‍💻

You would like to take a training with us but at the same time, you are not sure if you can organize it in your company? We’ll be happy to help you!

Drop an email to or download our workshop offer 👇, and share it with directors responsible for organizing training in your company.

Download PDF

Money for nothing and books for free 🤩 was originally published in Kt. Academy on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.