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noob help with room database in android

wondering if yall could help me think about my first room project. basically i will have user name and age stored in. i have the schema made for that and its easy. but now i want to create “games” where players are up against each other and who ever wins and loses gets added that stat to their profile.

the trouble is that, i also want to store the “games” which would be score cards of who was against each other, who won and at what time it happened. this data feels a bit harder to store because it is an instance of an object sort of thing like:

game1{ player1: 'john' player2: 'mark' winner: 'mark' time: 'Jan 1 2020 9:47pm' gameNotes: 'Mark obliterated John in a fierce match' } 

would i need two databases/tables for this or is one enough? since the info are quite related, i think i would use one but i have no idea how i would store objects as opposed to integers and strings. any help is appreciated!

submitted by /u/lasagna_lee
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