Pass high-order functions again to another method call

Hello there. I started working with high-order functions and everything works fine if I use a high-order function by calling the given parameter function action.

fun execute( action: (Int) -> Unit ) { val myInt = 5 action(myInt) 


execute { it -> println(it) // Output: 5 } 

But now I wanted to call a method with a function as parameter, which again passes this function to another function like this:

fun execute( action: (Int) -> Unit ) { ... secondFunction(action) // this does not work 


fun secondFunction( action: (Int) -> Unit) { val myInt = 5 action(myInt) } execute { it -> println(it) // Output: 5 } 

Is this even possible and if it is, how does this work?

Thanks for your help!

submitted by /u/cyb3rko
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