Programming articles & Effective Kotlin workshop from Kt. Academy

Kt. Academy here 👋

Evenings are becoming longer and longer these days, so it’s a great opportunity to broaden your programming knowledge. Check our newest articles and let us know what you think!

*️⃣ We’d love to hear your thoughts and suggestions for this newsletter. Please share them with us by replying to this email 📩

Here is a brief summary of today’s content 👇

👉 Exception handling in Kotlin Coroutines
👉 Scoping functions in Kotlin Coroutines
👉 Write Tests for all your Missed Branches
👉 Effective Kotlin Item 53: Consider using groupingBy instead of groupBy

Effective Kotlin workshop happening soon 🥳

Enjoy! ⏬

Everything you need to know about the exception handling mechanism in Kotlin Coroutines.

Exception handling in Kotlin Coroutines by Marcin Moskala 👇

Programming articles & Effective Kotlin workshop from Kt. Academy was originally published in Kt. Academy on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.