What is the best learning path for new developers learning Kotlin?

I have read “head first kotlin.”

I’ve done some google developer kotlin material. I’ve done some other things here or there. I feel like it skips through and just says “do this” without truly learning.

What is your opinion on the best approach to learning kotlin from beginner to hirable developer?

People say to just build projects… but what should I build? Any recommendations on good starter projects?

Any particular books?

Any particular websites?

Free or paid courses? (Preferably free).

What is the best pathway to getting hired starting as a beginner with very limited experience? A step by step approach to ensure you learn what’s needed and build upon previous knowledge.

Side note: I wanted to create an app where you can have two people on two different phones connect via a code and then answer quiz questions and compare who’s smarter/gets more correct. I don’t even know where to begin. Any suggestions?

submitted by /u/SlutForTurtles
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